Thursday, January 1, 2009

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Happy New Year!

It's a new year...a time for new beginnings...a time for new starts. I still can't belive it's 2009!! My resolution this year is to not have any resolutions. I have goals that I want to achieve, and I know resolutions are goals, but I'm not gonna put so much pressure on myself. I'll be 47 this year, and all I want to do is enjoy life for a change and try new things. I want to spend more time with my hubby, my son, my daughter-in-law, my MIL, my FIL. I want to go camping more and explore nature. I want to try new techniques where my jewelry is concerned. You will see more wire in my jewelry pieces this year....and rings too! Anyway....I'm going to take each day as it comes and try to greet it the best way I can. :D about you? Want to start the new year winning these fabulous earrings? can! Just go to the Artisan Beaders Blog, read the details, and leave your comment. It's that easy! These lovely earrings are handmade by Creative Treasures by Donna.
Whatever you plan for 2009, remember to stop and smell the roses sometimes! :D

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